DevBio GSA

The DevBio Graduate Student Association (DevBio GSA) is a representative and social-oriented organization comprised of graduate students from every department represented within the Developmental Biology Alliance.
2024-2025 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Skylar Settles (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
Co-President: Christina Endara-Arnold (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
Treasurer: Clayton Parker (Billmyre Lab)
Secretary: Elise Nanista (Rozario Lab)
Social Chair: Ben Wortman (Menke Lab)
2023-2024 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Christina Endara-Arnold (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
Co-President: Skylar Settles (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
Treasurer: Jack Butler (Lechtreck Lab)
Secretary: Trevor Haskins (Rozario Lab)
Social Chair: Megan Wright (Schulz Lab)
ILS Liaison/Recruitment Chair:Ben Wortman (Menke Lab)
2022-2023 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Taylor Medlock-Lanier (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
Co-President: Melissa Inal (Kamiyama Lab)
Treasurer: Jack Butler (Lechtreck Lab)
Social Chair: Kendall Clay (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
2022 Secretary: Amber Rittgers (Menke Lab)
2023 Secretary: Christina Endara (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
2022 ILS Liaison/Recruitment Chair: Anushi Deraniyagala (Gaertig Lab)
2023 ILS Liaison/Recruitment Chair: Skylar Settles (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
2021-2022 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Sneha Mohan (Lauderdale Lab)
Co-President: Taylor Medlock-Lanier (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
Secretary: Anna Iouchmanov (Menke Lab)
Treasurer: Rida Osman (Lauderdale Lab)
Social Chair: Melissa Inal (Kamiyama Lab)
ILS Liaison/Recruitment Chair: Kendall Clay (Roberts-Galbraith Lab)
2020-2021 DevBio Executive Council
President: Sam Kang (Manley Lab)
Secretary & Treasurer: Kush Bhatia (Eggenschwiler Lab)
Recruitment & Social Chairs: Anna Brinck (Eggenschwiler Lab)
2019-2020 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Aimee Williams (Dougan Lab)
Co-President: Sam Kang (Manley Lab)
Secretary: Kush Bhatia (Eggenschwiler Lab)
Treasurer: Alysha Higgs (Goll Lab)
Social Chair: Jennifer Jenkins (Roberts-Gailbraith Lab)
Recruitment Chair: Anna Brinck (Eggenschwiler Lab)
2018-2019 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Barbara Del Castello (Manley Lab)
Co-President: Michael Nunneley (Eggenschwiler/Manley Labs)
Secretary: Aaron Alcala (Menke Lab)
Treasurer: Alysha Higgs (Goll Lab)
Social Chair: Chelsea Gunderson (Lauderdale Lab)
Recruitment Chair: Audrey Calvird (Goll Lab)
2017-2018 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Angel Flores (Manley Lab)
Co-President: Jacob Burnett until December 2017 – graduated (Eggenschwiler Lab)
Secretary: Karl Kudyba (Schulz/Lauderdale Labs)
Treasurer: Sergio Minchey (Menke Lab)
Social Chair: Barbara Del Castello (Manley Lab)
Recruitment Chair: Ashley Rasys (Lauderdale Lab)
2016-2017 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Angel Flores (Manley Lab)
Co-President: Jonathon Walsh (Eggenschwiler Lab)
Secretary: Alice Shanfelter (White Lab)
Treasurer: Sergio Menchey (Menke Lab)
Social Chair: Sukhada Samudra (Condie Lab)
New Student Liaison: Drew Boland (West Lab)
2015-2016 DevBio Executive Council
Co-President: Erin Baker (Manley Lab)
Co-President: Stephanie Herrlinger (Chen Lab)
Secretary: Robert Ng (Schulz Lab)
Treasurer: Ariel VanLeuven (Lauderdale Lab)
Social Chairs: Ashley Snouffer (Eggenschwiler Lab) & Jonathon Walsh (Eggenschwiler Lab)